Atores relatam agressões da polícia ao participarem de protestos antirracistas nos EUA

O engajamento de Hollywood nos protestos antirracistas dos últimos dias renderam novos relatos de violência policial nos EUA, testemunhados de perto e na pele de alguns atores conhecidos. John Cusack (“A Ressaca”) […]

O engajamento de Hollywood nos protestos antirracistas dos últimos dias renderam novos relatos de violência policial nos EUA, testemunhados de perto e na pele de alguns atores conhecidos.

John Cusack (“A Ressaca”) gravou em seu celular a truculência de um policial, que o empurrou e o proibiu de registrar a repressão à manifestação de que participava. Kendrick Sampson (o Nathan de “Insecure”) foi agredido ao gravar disparos da polícia contra manifestantes pacíficos de mãos para cima, e exibiu as marcas da agressão que tiraram sangue, enquanto Cole Sprouse (o Jughead de “Riverdale”) chegou a ser preso num protesto, que segundo seu relato estava pacífico até a polícia resolver prender todo mundo. Em seu relato, Sprouse afirma que, mesmo depois de acatar a ordem de dispersão, os manifestantes foram cercados e algemados pela polícia.

Veja abaixo os depoimentos e registros da participação dos atores nos protestos, que se iniciaram após o assassinato de George Floyd, na segunda passada (25/5), sufocado por um policial branco após serem rendido e imobilizado.

O vídeo de sua morte, captado por uma testemunha desesperada, impactou os EUA, lembrando que não era a primeira vez que um vídeo do tipo viralizava. Em 2014, Eric Garner morreu do mesmo jeito, sob o olhar de testemunhas horrorizadas. As últimas palavras de ambas as vítimas foram “Eu não consigo respirar”, que viraram o novo slogan do movimento Black Lives Matter (vidas negras importam).

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I cut this together from both of our IG live stream POVs. Keep in mind, I don’t know this man AT ALL. I want to make this really clear. He was targeted because he called out the undercover cops in the LAPD. He said that the people throwing things (water bottles and such) at the police are not protesters, they are undercover cops (agent provocateurs/infiltrators) who are agitators and trying to give justification to the brutality. He said over the bullhorn to turn your camera’s on the people throwing stuff and call them out because they are LAPD!! VERY shortly after, he was tackled and the people around him were viciously brutalized as you can see in this video to ensure no interference even though no one was interfering. Now to be clear, I don’t EVER advocate for turning your camera on a protestor. I am not demonizing or denouncing the tactics we use to dismantle police/slave catching or #DefundPolice. We have to be creative and relentless. I am not demonizing or denouncing the way we get to express our rage, grief, mourning or trauma in this moment. And I’m talking about Black people. Non Black people – especially white folks – know that what you do at these protests directly affects the lives of Black protesters as you scream #BlackLivesMatter BUT apparently in this moment – HE KNEW SOMETHING or he FELT something. And apparently he happened to be right. I have some videos I’m sorting through now. And he was targeted for it. #DefundthePolice #DefendBlackLives #ProsecuteKillerCops

Uma publicação compartilhada por Kendrick Sampson (@kendrick38) em

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Before you swipe – If you’re squeamish – warning – these are SOME my wounds up close. The most obvious are from rubber bullets. They look gross but I was blessed to be shot directly from close range and not have much worse, ive posted some in my stories. These things HURT and are DANGEROUS. The dude was aiming for folks HEADS. Rubber bullets have killed folks and can cause permanent damage, brain damage, concussions etc. Swipe further to see some of the officers. I can see some of their names but their badge numbers were on the back of their helmets. Purposeful. ONE OF them removed his name. Others obscured theirs. I need the names and badge numbers. DM them and any other proof to @alwaysbewright Let’s do this. And together let’s end this legacy of slave catching and #DefundPolice #DefendBlackLife (check out @mvmnt4blklives nationwide campaign for US ✊🏽)

Uma publicação compartilhada por Kendrick Sampson (@kendrick38) em

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A group of peaceful protesters, myself included, were arrested yesterday in Santa Monica. So before the voracious horde of media sensationalism decides to somehow turn it about me, there’s a clear need to speak about the circumstances: Black Lives Matter. Peace, riots, looting, are an absolutely legitimate form of protest. the media is by nature only going to show the most sensational, which only proves a long standing racist agenda. I was detained when standing in solidarity, as were many of the final vanguard within Santa Monica. We were given the option to leave, and were informed that if we did not retreat, we would be arrested. When many did turn to leave, we found another line of police officers blocking our route, at which point, they started zip tying us. It needs to be stated that as a straight white man, and a public figure, the institutional consequences of my detainment are nothing in comparison to others within the movement. This is ABSOLUTELY not a narrative about me, and I hope the media doesn’t make it such. This is, and will be, a time about standing ground near others as a situation escalates, providing educated support, demonstrating and doing the right thing. This is precisely the time to contemplate what it means to stand as an ally. I hope others in my position do as well. I noticed that there are cameras that roll within the police cruisers during the entirety of our detainment, hope it helps. I’ll speak no more on the subject, as I’m (1) not well versed enough to do so, (2) not the subject of the movement, and (3) uninterested in drawing attention away from the leaders of the #BLM movement. I will be, again, posting the link in my story to a comprehensive document for donations and support.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Cole Sprouse (@colesprouse) em