The First: Série sci-fi estrelada por Sean Penn ganha primeiras fotos
O serviço de streaming Hulu divulgou as fotos de “The First”, a primeira série estrelada pelo ator Sean Penn, vencedor de dois Oscars de Melhor Ator (por “Sobre Meninos e Lobos” e […]
O serviço de streaming Hulu divulgou as fotos de “The First”, a primeira série estrelada pelo ator Sean Penn, vencedor de dois Oscars de Melhor Ator (por “Sobre Meninos e Lobos” e “Milk”).
Desenvolvida por Beau Willimon, criador do sucesso da Netflix “House of Cards”, “The First” pretende acompanhar os bastidores da primeira missão humana a Marte, mostrando os desafios da colonização interplanetária. Além dos astronautas, a série também irá focar em suas famílias e na equipe da Nasa que ficam na Terra.
Penn, que viverá um dos astronautas, decidiu estrelar sua primeira série após o fracasso de seu mais recente filme como diretor, “The Last Face”, que recebeu ridículos 5% de aprovação no Rotten Tomatoes, e da disputa judicial entre o produtor Mel Gibson e o estúdio Voltage que impede o lançamento de seu mais recente trabalho como ator, “The Professor and the Madman”.
Além dele, o elenco destaca Natascha McElhone (da série “Designated Survivor”), LisaGay Hamilton (“House of Cards”), Oded Fehr (“Covert Affairs”), James Ransone (“A Entidade”), Melissa George (“Grey’s Anatomy”), Hannah Ware (“Hitman: Agente 47”), Anna Jacoby-Heron (“Finding Carter”), Keiko Agena (“13 Reasons Why”), Annie Parisse (“Friends from College”) e a brasileira Fernanda Andrade (“Filha do Mal”).
Com um orçamento cinematográfico de US$ 56,4 milhões, “The First” foi realizado em coprodução com o Channel 4 britânico e estreia em 14 de setembro.
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Tom Hagerty (Sean Penn), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone) and Tom Hagerty (Sean Penn), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Sadie Hewitt (Hannah Ware) and Nick Fletcher (James Ransone), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Kayla Price (LisaGay Hamilton), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Denise Hagerty (Anna Jacoby-Heron) and Tom Hagerty (Sean Penn), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
THE FIRST — Sean Penn leads an ensemble cast in this near-future drama about a crew of astronauts attempting to become the first humans on Mars. Under the direction of visionary aerospace magnate Laz Ingram (Natascha McElhone), the crew contends with peril and personal sacrifice as they undertake the greatest pioneering feat in human history. Denise Hagerty (Anna Jacoby-Heron), shown. (Photo by: Paul Schrimaldi/Hulu)
Marcel Plasse é jornalista, participou da geração histórica da revista de música Bizz, editou as primeiras graphic novels lançadas no Brasil, criou a revista Set de cinema, foi crítico na Folha, Estadão e Valor Econômico, escreveu na Playboy, assinou colunas na Superinteressante e DVD News, produziu discos indies e é criador e editor do site Pipoca Moderna.