Olga Kurylenko revela ter superado infecção por coronavírus

A atriz ucraniana Olga Kurylenko, estrela de filmes como “007 – Quantum of Solace” (2008), “Oblivion” (2013) e “A Morte de Stalin” (2017), revelou ter superado o coronavírus. Após ser diagnosticada com […]

A atriz ucraniana Olga Kurylenko, estrela de filmes como “007 – Quantum of Solace” (2008), “Oblivion” (2013) e “A Morte de Stalin” (2017), revelou ter superado o coronavírus.

Após ser diagnosticada com covid-19, ela se disse “totalmente recuperada” no Instagram.

Kurylenko apareceu na rede social de máscara, com o filho Alexander no colo, para marcar o dia das mães britânico, que foi no domingo passado (22/3). Ela está em quarentena em Londres.

“Eu me recuperei completamente”, comemorou ela. “Por uma semana, eu me senti muito mal, e fiquei na cama, dormindo, com febre alta e dor de cabeça forte. Na segunda semana, a febre sumiu, mas eu tive um pouco de tosse e me senti muito cansada”.

“No final da segunda semana, eu já me sentia totalmente bem. A tosse passou quase completamente. Ela aparece um pouco de manhã, mas depois vai embora. Eu estou bem! Estou aproveitando este tempo para refletir sobre muitas coisas e passar um tempo com o meu filho”, completou.

Em post anterior, ela ainda contou que o único remédio receitado pelos médicos para seu tratamento foi paracetamol para dores e febre. Mas acrescentou que já tem o costume de tomar vitaminas e suplementos, que manteve para fortalecer seu sistema imunológico na luta contra o vírus, lembrando que isso não representa uma cura, mas pode ajudar a reforçar as defesas naturais.

Veja abaixo, na ordem de publicação.

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Hello everyone! I’m feeling better today. My fever is gone! I hear people can’t figure out where I currently am. I’m in London! How do I know it’s coronavirus and not just a flu? I did a test for coronavirus which came back positive. What are the medicines that doctors prescribed as treatment? NONE! I was told to take paracetamol in case my fever was too high and if I was in too much pain. However, I do take vitamins and supplements. Please note that these vitamins do NOT cure Coronavirus but only help the immune system be stronger in order to fight! here is what I’m taking: Pantothenic Acid- Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid and pantothenate, is vital to living a healthy life. Like all B complex vitamins, B5 helps the body convert food into energy. Vitamin E – is a fat-soluble, essential nutrient with anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin E helps support the immune system, cell function, and skin health. It’s an antioxidant, making it effective at combating the effects of free radicals produced by the metabolism of food and toxins in the environment. Vitamin C – goes without saying I hope! Curcumin (or Turmeric) – anti- inflammatory, antioxidant. Zinc – helps immune system fight bacteria and viruses. I also take colloidal silver but please be careful taking it as some websites have warnings about it as not everyone can take it. Please check if you can take it or you might have health complications. I also take Cell Food but again please check websites online about it as certain people aren’t recommended to take it! Good luck everyone! Кратко на русском: Ребята, сегодня мне лучше! Температура прошла. Я нахожусь в ЛОНДОНЕ! Как я знаю, что у меня коронавирус? Мне сделали тест в больнице, который оказался позитивным. Какое мне прописали лечение? НИКАКОГО! Сказали только пить парацетамол при высокой температуре и болях, что я и делала. Для поддержки иммунитета я пью следующие витамины: Витамин С, Е, Д, B5, Curcumin (Turmeric), Zinc. Внимание! Эти витамины не лечат коронавирус!!! Они только могут помочь иммунной системе бороться с вирусами и инфекцией Всем кто болеет хорошего выздоровления. Всем кто пыт #coronavirus #коронавирус

Uma publicação compartilhada por Olga Kurylenko (@olgakurylenkoofficial) em

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Happy Mother’s Day! #mothersday P.S. I have completely recovered 🙏 To recapitulate: For one week I felt pretty bad and was mostly in bed, sleeping, with high fever and strong headache. The second week, the fever was gone but some light cough appeared and I felt very tired. By the end of the second week I felt totally fine. Cough is almost gone although I still cough in the mornings but then it completely goes away for the day! I’m fine! And now I’m just enjoying this time to reflect on many things and spend my time with my son. 🙏 Я думаю я полностью выздоровела. Коротко о течении болезни: В первую неделю мне было очень плохо и я почти все время лежала с высокой температурой и много спала. Я спала 12 часов за ночь и потом ещё часа 3-4 днём!!! Подняться было тяжело. Усталость сумасшедшая. Головная боль дикая. Во вторую неделю температура полностью ушла и появился легкий кашель. Усталость осталась. Теперь практически никаких симптомов нет. Только немного кашель есть по утрам, но потом он полностью уходит на весь день. Теперь я наслаждаюсь отдыхом и провожу время с сыном. Держитесь!!! 💪 #coronavirus #коронавирус

Uma publicação compartilhada por Olga Kurylenko (@olgakurylenkoofficial) em