Elenco de Pretty Little Liars voltará a se reunir em evento online beneficente

Elenco de Pretty Little Liars voltará a se reunir em evento online beneficente

O elenco da série “Pretty Little Liars” vai voltar a se reunir num evento beneficente online. Promovida pelo Cast4Good, a transmissão do encontro tem objetivo de arrecadar fundos para o Feeding America, […]

O elenco da série “Pretty Little Liars” vai voltar a se reunir num evento beneficente online. Promovida pelo Cast4Good, a transmissão do encontro tem objetivo de arrecadar fundos para o Feeding America, organização que fornece alimentos para vulneráveis durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus.

Participarão do evento Lucy Hale (Aria), Troian Bellisario (Spencer), Shay Mitchell (Emily), Ashley Benson (Hanna), Janel Parrish (Mona), Sasha Pieterse (Alison), Tyler Blackburn (Caleb) e Ian Harding (Ezra), além da criadora da série I. Marlene King.

A reunião está marcada para a próxima sexta-feira (15/5) no site dos organizadores, que também oferecem oportunidades para conversas pessoais com os integrantes do elenco, limitadas aos maiores doadores. Veja os detalhes abaixo.

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Today’s the day!!!! We’re super excited to reveal our next #Cast4Good live online Cast Chat will be next Friday, May 15th with …. #PrettyLittleLiars!! It’s been almost 3 years since the finale of #PrettyLittleLiars, and we’ve been waiting for this moment ever since! Join us as all your favorite cast members and the show’s creator Marlene King answer your most burning questions and discuss all things #PLL exclusively for #Cast4Good. TV Guide’s Damian Holbrook will be your host, and we can’t wait to see what questions you guys come up with for him to ask the cast. And it gets even better… Upgrade to our Virtual VIP experience to have a 1-on-1 video chat with your favorite cast member (but just a heads up that these upgrades are extremely limited and will sell out quickly). So what are you waiting for? Head over to www.Cast4Good.com <http://www.cast4good.com> right now to get your tickets and secure your spot for this once-in-a-lifetime reunion. Plus you can feel really good about being a part of this with us as proceeds are going to @FeedingAmerica, who are doing amazing work to help people out during the #Covid-19 crisis. So come have a great time and help support a great cause. @prettylittleliars #cast4good #feedingamerica #prettylittleliars

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