*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2300 EST 2ND AUG* Keanu Reeves is unrecognizable in a beard and mohawk as he continues to film “Bill and Ted 3”

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2300 EST 2ND AUG* Keanu Reeves is unrecognizable in a beard and mohawk as he continues to film “Bill and Ted 3”

*PREMIUM EXCLUSIVE NO WEB UNTIL 2300 EST 2ND AUG* Keanu Reeves was unrecognizable on the set of "Bill and Ted 3". Reeves was seen sporting a long beard and a mohawk wearing blue jeans and a white Under Armor shirt which was lifted to show off his stomach. Bill and Ted filmed scenes at a prison with a police robot and other prison inmates. 01 Aug 2019 Pictured: Keanu Reeves. Photo credit: MEGA TheMegaAgency.com +1 888 505 6342 (Mega Agency TagID: MEGA477238_004.jpg) [Photo via Mega Agency]