The Rookie: Nova série estrelada por Nathan Fillion ganha trailer e imagens
A rede ABC divulgou sete imagens e o trailer de “The Rookie”, série que traz o ator Nathan Fillion de volta à emissora americana, após oito temporadas de “Castle” (2009-2016). A prévia […]
A rede ABC divulgou sete imagens e o trailer de “The Rookie”, série que traz o ator Nathan Fillion de volta à emissora americana, após oito temporadas de “Castle” (2009-2016). A prévia revela uma diferença de tom de no novo trabalho, que não segue a fórmula de processo policial com leve toque do humor. Ao contrário, a trama se leva muito a sério, com direito a bullying contra o protagonista, chamado de “crise ambulante de meia idade” por seu superior. Por outro lado, o vídeo também aponta um romance nascente entre colegas.
Na nova série, Fillion interpreta John Nolan, o novato mais velho da Delegacia de Polícia de Los Angeles. Numa idade em que outros atingem o auge das carreiras, ele resolveu recomeçar sua vida, deixando para trás a pequena cidade em que vivia para realizar seu sonho de ser um policial em Los Angeles. Agora, cercado por novatos de 20 anos, Nolan deve lidar com um mundo imprevisível, perigoso, mas também divertido, ao virar um policial novato com 48 anos.
“The Rookie” é uma criação de Alexi Hawley, que foi roteirista-produtor, justamente, de “Castle”. E o elenco da atração também inclui Melissa O’Neil (série “Dark Matter”), Afton Williamson (série “The Night Of”), Richard T. Jones (série “Santa Clarita Diet”), Eric Winter (série “Secrets and Lies”), Titus Makin Jr. (série “The Path”), Alyssa Diaz (série “Zoo”) e Mercedes Mason (série “Fear the Walking Dead”).
A série tem previsão de estreia para a temporada de outono, entre setembro e novembro, nos Estados Unidos.
THE ROOKIE – “Pilot” – Starting over isn’t easy, especially for small-town guy John Nolan who, after a life-altering incident, is pursuing his dream of being an LAPD officer. As the force’s oldest rookie, he’s met with skepticism from some higher-ups who see him as just a walking midlife crisis. If he can’t keep up with the young cops and the criminals, he’ll be risking lives including his own. But if he can use his life experience, determination and sense of humor to give him an edge, he may just become a success in this new chapter of his life. (ABC/Tony Rivetti)
THE ROOKIE – “Pilot” – Starting over isn’t easy, especially for small-town guy John Nolan who, after a life-altering incident, is pursuing his dream of being an LAPD officer. As the force’s oldest rookie, he’s met with skepticism from some higher-ups who see him as just a walking midlife crisis. If he can’t keep up with the young cops and the criminals, he’ll be risking lives including his own. But if he can use his life experience, determination and sense of humor to give him an edge, he may just become a success in this new chapter of his life. (ABC/Tony Rivetti)
THE ROOKIE – “Pilot” (ABC/Tony Rivetti)
THE ROOKIE – “Pilot” – Starting over isn’t easy, especially for small-town guy John Nolan who, after a life-altering incident, is pursuing his dream of being an LAPD officer. As the force’s oldest rookie, he’s met with skepticism from some higher-ups who see him as just a walking midlife crisis. If he can’t keep up with the young cops and the criminals, he’ll be risking lives including his own. But if he can use his life experience, determination and sense of humor to give him an edge, he may just become a success in this new chapter of his life. (ABC/Tony Rivetti)
THE ROOKIE – “Pilot” – Starting over isn’t easy, especially for small-town guy John Nolan who, after a life-altering incident, is pursuing his dream of being an LAPD officer. As the force’s oldest rookie, he’s met with skepticism from some higher-ups who see him as just a walking midlife crisis. If he can’t keep up with the young cops and the criminals, he’ll be risking lives including his own. But if he can use his life experience, determination and sense of humor to give him an edge, he may just become a success in this new chapter of his life. (ABC/Eric McCandless)
Marcel Plasse é jornalista, participou da geração histórica da revista de música Bizz, editou as primeiras graphic novels lançadas no Brasil, criou a revista Set de cinema, foi crítico na Folha, Estadão e Valor Econômico, escreveu na Playboy, assinou colunas na Superinteressante e DVD News, produziu discos indies e é criador e editor do site Pipoca Moderna.