Velozes e Furiosos 8: Dwayne Johnson “esquece” Vin Diesel em agradecimentos pelo final das filmagens

Velozes e Furiosos 8: Dwayne Johnson “esquece” Vin Diesel em agradecimentos pelo final das filmagens

O climão continua. Após chamar de bunda-moles alguns integrantes do elenco masculino de “Velozes e Furiosos 8”, o ator Dwayne Johnson acabou se “esquecendo” de citar Vin Diesel, astro e produtor da […]

O climão continua. Após chamar de bunda-moles alguns integrantes do elenco masculino de “Velozes e Furiosos 8”, o ator Dwayne Johnson acabou se “esquecendo” de citar Vin Diesel, astro e produtor da franquia, num post de agradecimento pelo final das filmagens em seu Instagram. Em vez disso, cita nominalmente o estúdio Universal, o diretor F. Gary Gray e os atores Scott Eastwood, Nathalie Emmanuel e Tyrese Gibson, anunciando que em duas semanas volta a filmar, mas outro projeto: a continuação de “Jumanji”, que faz questão de frisar não ser um remake.

Confira abaixo.

Finished strong and on to the next. That's an officially wrap on #FastAndFurious8. Thank you to our director @fgarygray for the vision and execution. Thank you UNIVERSAL for being tremendous partners as always, thank you to all my fellow co-stars for the daily effort and grind. Scott Eastwood you handsome sumbitch! Natalie Emmanuel I have a cold Budweiser ready for you and Tyrese Gibson you still have the biggest smile and forehead I've ever seen.? And a huge THANK YOU to our hard working production crew – the backbone of our business. Your kind words meant a lot to me last night – thank you! In the end, we all rallied, as great teams do, kicked ass and will deliver an amazing movie to the world. Proud of our entire FAST FAMILY. And now in two weeks I'll reunite with ol' friends Kevin Hart & Jack Black and we have the honor to introduce a whole new generation to the amazing world of #JUMANJI. *(for the record we are NOT making a reboot, but rather a continuation of the awesome JUMANJI story). It's also crazy to me how much me, Kev and Jack look like triplets when we're together. ??????. Man this is gonna be FUN. #WheelsUp #ThatsAWrap #FromFastAndFurious #StraightIntoJumanji #BigBrownBaldTattooedMan #DarkChocolateComedicRockStar #BrillaintCrazyCurvyCaucasion #TheseHashtagsAreRidiculous #INeedSleepAndCARBS #ButIWillSettleForTequila

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